Thursday, December 6, 2012


 The day In 1958 October -1 is the world rebirth day yes because that is the birth date of NATIONAL AERONAUTICS AND SPACE ADMINISTRATION (NASA) birth day.

Before NASA establishment people did not knew what is space science and space technology. NASA giving a hit like a tsunami wave in space science & technology.Any man think or dream to land/walk/see on the moon, all are know that is impossible but NASA create wonder with its Apollo manned lunar program. The greatest program was APOLLO MANNED LUNAR LANDING PROGRAM. NASA Conducted Apollo missions between December 1968 and December 1972. 12 people walked on the moon’s surface.

In ancient period people worshiped moon as a god, they did not know moon is a planet after walked on the moon surface every people dream to walk on the moon’s surface.Before NASA birth, people did not outer surface, planets, asteroids, aliens and many other thing like causes of natural disasters. After established of NASA space science and technology is developing very fast. Today in disaster time they give everything to live telecast of disasters. Recently NASA mission on mars it is a amazing step in space science &technology; space technology (CURIOSITY MISSION).

People believe NASA give security to earth from asteroids, aliens, outer space, and other planets. It is correct because it takes many steps to save earth from above I said. NASA always watches our earth with international space station and telescopes.(image source Google search)
bopha hurricane



earth in night

rock on mars

At present every country comes and doing experiments in space science and technology, developing country like India also doing experiments on moon.  China also doing experiments in space it plans to establish a space station its own. No doubt those experiments are totally based on NASA experiments. So every country sees what are the experiments of NASA takes and results?
NASA became a godfather of space science & technology.