Some days ago my mother suffered from eyes problem. We consulted some eye specialists. They are examined her eyes and told her eyes are in danger her retina is not recovered after operation. One of my brother’s friends told you must go to MADURAI there a eye care hospital named as “ARAVIND EYE CARE”, then we are discussed and went to Madurai and admit my mother in the hospital. After thoroughly examined they did operation. But amazing my mother eyes was recovered and still her eye site is very good.
Aravindgosh is a famous saint lived in Pondicherry. He wrote many holy books on yoga named “THE LIFE DIVINE”, “SAVITRI”. One of his follower named Dr.GOVINDAPPA VENKATASWAMI started Aravinda Eye Care hospital at Madurai in Tamilanadu. After that he spread his services to other towns.
In the hospital first they do service for free, after that many patients are go their services are increased.They established their services to other towns. In the hospital they do service in three ways.
First is: Free service, Second: Low price service, Third: Pay service.
Poor people go to free service, middle class and upper middle class go to low price service; rich people go to pay service. But in the three services the treatment is same; there are no differences among the three services. We go to free service for my mother’s operation.
They are not wasted our time and money. They do quick service.
Olden days in India contact lenses cost in 7500, price is very high they see for the help of charities of other rich countries (mainly American charities give these costly lenses). In this situation Aravinda Eye Care constructed contact lenses factory for manufacturing of lenses. After constructed contact lenses factory the price of lenses decreased from 7500 to 500. This is very help full for poor people.
World top medical universities John Hopkins school l of medicine, Harvard medical school students come and study short term courses of ophthalmology. The founder of The Google Inc Lorry page came and sees this Aravinda Eye Care system. In the world many operations are doing only in Aravinda Eye Care hospital. World top business School Harvard School “ARAVIND EYE CARE SYSTEM” is a case study subject of the students.
Indian father of the nation MAHATMA GANDHI said this word “TRUSTY SHIP”
ARAVIND EYE CARE SYSTEM FOLLOWS by THE WORD “TRUSTY SHIP” and they are successes to give services for the poor people. Every one goes to Madurai and sees Aravind Eye Care hospital and inspire from their services.