In the world nearly in 100 people 95
people having cell phones. In youth cell
phone is very active part in their life. In this way some cell phone viruses
are formed. So the Internet Crime Complaint Center is warning
Android Smartphone users about 2 new viruses making rounds.
The first is Loozfon. It uses
malware to steal contact information from the infected device. One of the
versions of Loozfon masks itself as a work-at-home opportunity. Once the Smartphone
user clicks the link in the advertisement, the malware is pushed onto the
Finfisher is another new virus
wreaking havoc on Android devices. Once loaded onto your phone,FinFisher can
remotely control and monitor your phone, no matter where you are. This
virus is transmitted through what seems to be a system update, sent through a
text-massage or a web link.
There are many ways to protect your
phone from the dangerous malware, but here are 5 helpful tips:
- Be sure to read over the terms and permissions of any downloaded apps.
- Be aware of apps that can enable geo-location. They can be used to track your location, making your more susceptible to being stalked or robbed.
- Avoid using unknown wireless networks. Information that you share online can be stolen from rogue servers.
- Password protects your device and enables a screen-lock.
- Search for apps that specialize in malware protection.