On the earth God/nature give many comfortable things to live
human. Many people believe God gives
these all to man, but scientists believe nature is give these all to man. Any how God/nature gives to us a valuable or
golden gift to us that is “TIME”. Time
is most valuable thing to all. Some of the important persons give preference to
their time.
The first thing to think is that God/nature treats every
thing equally. God/Nature has not made anyone
rich/poor. To each and every one and who
living on the earth god/nature gives to them freely
for all. Nature has sent her offspring armed with two important things. The
first is TIME and second is Power of labor, but we cannot have the benefit out
of it and run in shortage. God sent
human beings on this Earth, but he didn't bestow any particular materialistic
things. Whatever He has given to man is
so much valuable that all the worldly things could be obtained through this,
besides intellect, life and body. God
has given man the most invaluable gift. I.e.
TIME it is said that man has got
counted breaths and breaths continuously go on.
One breath lessens one unit of TIME. In other words, we can deem this as
time. Direct form of life is beyond
human grip but its expression can surely be felt.
Subtle existence of
life is manifested in the form of time.
Our achievements depend upon as how and for what, we utilize time. Every unit of invaluable life diminishes at
its own pace. If water pot leaks drop by drop, it will go empty after some time.
As the same as rolling day to day, time and human life is also decreasing. When the consequences of time’s use and
wastage are comparatively appraised, then it appears as how much difference is
there between readiness and expectation one that understands the significance
and aspect of time and becomes ready with total awareness of its use has got
life, otherwise indifferent people get loss only. Time is invaluable. One who wastes time recklessly, wastes life
in vain.
Do not waste God/Nature give the most valuable gift to us (TIME)