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At present scientists think how to
fly without plains. This is a million dollar question. People believe it is not
possible. But fast grown technology it is possible. I read some books, in the ancient period
mainly in Indian Vedic period Lord Indra, Ravanasura and some others used
pushpaka vimanam. It was flying without oil; it had some wings and in the air
it was flying automatically, but it operated by some magic powers (supernatural
I read at my primary education time a lesson.
In a jail father and son tried to fly to escape from jail. They collected wax
and birds wings. And they wear and fly from the top of the jail, they were fly
sometime in the sky lastly the wax melted with the sun races, and then they felled
on the ground and died.
And also I read some holy books
some people fly in air, the book "autobiography of a yogi", a saint sit in air, his
levitating saint(to rise into the air and float in apparent defiance of
gravity. I show his photo at the top)
and some other saints also sit and fly in air.
Now the idea is fulfill with jet-pack. Our fast grown century scientists are
developed JET PACKS, it is developed with new technology. A man flies without flight with it. It
is worn back side of a man; it is operating by jets of gases, sometimes liquid
Mainly astronauts used it for extravehicular
activities. Now it developed to use another purpose, and it is mainly used in military.
In it a disadvantage is takes place that is its operating time is very low that
is nearly 30 seconds, now scientists try to develop operating time, and only
one person can fly with it.
Wear jet-pack, it is thriller, we
see some of the bond and batman movies they are fly without flight and stand villon paradise and other places. Anyhow in our fast grown technology everything is
possible. We dream our scientists are developed JET PACKS to fly as same as
flights. At that time(near future) airports are disappear.