always tries to pick up users personal data, it grows day by day, now it is
published an update about its powerful facial verification software “DeepFace”
it allows Facebook servers to identify and catch individuals in images with
perfect accuracy.
DeepFace software has name derives from artificial intelligence known as “Deep
Learning” (with massive amounts of computational power, machines can now
recognize objects and translate speech in real time, Artificial intelligence is
finally getting too smart). According to
the source Facebook explained that out of 4 million facial images of over 4,000
people DeepFace can catch and match images of individuals, shadows, position of
the head and other complicating factors, it identify with 97.25 accuracy. So Facebook enter deep
and deep in user’s personal data, because security problems, many fake accounts
put fake images like political leaders, celebrities, gods and other, it is very
difficult to maintain their accounts they comment and share banned content, it
is headache to Facebook, then it implements this new software application.
does the DeepFace work?
application works 100 percent accuracy if computer is given a image of “X” it
is slightly to the right or left, DeepFace can chart that image in 3D format
and virtually turns it head forwards. Then it analyzes and produces a “Numeric
Chart” of that forward facing physiognomy and searching for same patterns in
the database that match with Facebook provided database. In the searching 2
similar charts identify then a match is found. Conclusion is one image used two
different users so that account is fake account.
DeepFace technology helps Facebook it identifies banned and porn content images
and removes from Facebook. Wow what a technology Facebook used.
is simple now to identify faces in Facebook and stop fake accounts.
(screen shot images credited selficity)