In the world every people and creature is died one day
in the life. There is no way to increase our lifespan. But in the Indian yoga
way there is many ways to become death less man and do many miracles. How can
it possible. In India many saints show their supernatural powers.
In this post I told a yogi, he is also called The Fire
Man, yes he do many miracles. He sleep on the fire and fire flames. How can it
possible. Many people don’t know what is Indian tradition what is Hindu, what
is yoga. At present many saints and yoga masters come and teach what is yoga,
what is the qualities of yoga, how yoga can help to protect our body from
natural and human hazards.
Yoga is not a religious way it is a way to develop our
physical and mental health, control our brain, control on our breath. See a
wonder we decreased our breaths our life span is increased, if we increased our
breaths our life span is decreased. Take a example Dog can breath nearly 70 to
80 times in a minute, it can live only 7 or 8 years, as same as we decreased
our breaths we ruled our death.
In the yoga way we maintained food restrictions don’t take
spice foods, and meat. We do regularly yoga we become masters in yoga. Yoga give
not only health but also supernatural powers. We see many saints show their
super natural powers.
See above pictures a saint show his super natural
power he sleep on fire. His name is Rambhauswami, he is 63 years, he lived in Tanjore in Tamilanadu in India. He is world famous yogi who lived in India. He totally controls his
breathing. His breathing count is only 2/3 breaths in a minute, his food is one
or two bananas and a cup of milk. He is the master in meditation.
Meditation gives peacefulness and happiness to our
body and brain. So we do regularly yoga and meditation our body and brain
become very peace and happy condition