Monday, February 11, 2013

The secret of Colombia space shuttle blast

 January -16-2003 first Indian lady astronaut KALPANA CHAWALA and other astronauts are traveled in the 28th journey into space in Colombia space shuttle.
The Crew: - RICK HUSBAND - mission commander
                           William MC Cool - Pilot
                     Michael Anderson- Payload Commander,
                     David M Brown -Mission specialist,
                     Kalpana chawala -Mission specialist 2,
                     Laurel Clark -Mission specialist,
                     Ilan Ramon- Payload specialist

 After they completed their work in International Space Station they spend 16 days in space they returned  February – 1- 2003, shuttle speed is in 5 km/s. Shuttle come on earth surface that was blasted. All over the world fall in sorrow. Mainly in India every people fall in sorrow. Because the first India lady astronaut Sri. Kalpana Chawala was died in that blast.

What is the Secret behind explosion of the Columbia space shuttle?

  In Kennedy space station Columbia space shuttle was launched after 82 seconds of launching a part is braked outer side of the shuttle. The size of the braked piece was in a suit case. That piece was in foam form. The piece hit very strongly of left side of wing of the shuttle. This hit causes 10 inches hole was created on the outer side of the left wing. The mission control room scientists were observed this incident but at the time of observing Columbia traveled nearly 20 km, the speed of the shuttle double the speed of the sound they were not stopped the shuttle.
But the scientists and engineers are warned, in the return journey the hole caused left wing temperature security system was failed and this was caused  to any danger to the shuttle.

Some scientists and that time NASA mission operation director John Herpoled told there is no problem we were not afraid of the incident and not told to the shuttle crew, he told the better thing is the crew did not knew the incident.( this news told  world by Van Hall,  retired NASA space program manager)  

Lastly February – 1 -2003 Columbia space shuttle returned in the morning 8.15 am it entered earth  atmosphere  the speed of the shuttle 25 times of the speed of the sound, 5 km s. Then what engineers told at the time of launching that is was takes place the left wing high air pressure causes the temperature is increased in high level in 6 minutes the temperature same in 1370◦ c at last 70 km above the earth in Texas air surface Columbia blasted this blasting caused by the heavy temperature.

We last our greatest astronauts. We salute the astronauts and pray GOD.
The Columbia space shuttle incident takes place 10 years ago in this months, and recently I saw a news about this Columbia shuttle incident so I write this article.