Yoga is the part of Devotion. In the yoga way practice poses or body
positions, after becoming a master in yoga do breathing exercises after thoroughly
practice controlled their breath, we see tortoise take breathings in a minute
is only 4 times. Its lifespan is 300 or
400 years. Because it takes only 4 breathes in a minute. But we take nearly 18
to 20 breathes in a minute and we live on the earth nearly 80 to 90 years. See what
is the difference between the tortoise and the man?
In the yoga way people do breathing exercises and controlled
their breath, they take 5 or 6 times in a minute their life span also expands. Yoga
poses give strength to our body breathing exercise give command our breathings.
In the yoga last stage is Samadhi (A state in which the aspirant is one with the object of
his meditation, the supreme spirit pervading the universe, where there is a feeling
of unutterable joy and peace) this means our soul is mixed to GOD or Super
soul, as same as in Devotion way last stage is our soul is reached to GOD or Super
Uneducated people also easily go in the Devotion way, but in
the Yoga way we go to a master and learn yoga practice. Devotion is simple way we go to temple/church/mosque
and pray GOD in our own words; this is not hard to uneducated people any man
pray god in his own words, this is a simple way to people.
I mentioned a song of
soul it was wrote by Sri Adi Sankaracharya in Atma Satkam (Sanskrit). He is a
famous saint who lived in India.
am neither ego nor reason; I am neither mind nor thought,
I cannot
be heard nor cast into words, nor by smell nor sight ever caught
In light and wind I am not found, nor yet in
earth and sky
Consciousness and joy incarnate, bliss
of the blissful am I
have no name, I have no life. I breathe
no vital air
No elements have moulded me; no bodily sheath
is my lair
I have
no speech, no hands and feet, nor means of evolution
and joy am I and bliss in dissolution
cast aside hatred and passion, I conquered
delusion and greed
No touch
of pride caressed me, so never did breed
all faiths, past reach of wealth, past freedom past desire,
and joy am I and bliss is my attire
Virtue and
vice or pleasure and pain are not my heritage
Nor sacred
texts, nor offerings, nor prayer, nor pilgrimage
I am neither food,
nor eating nor yet the eater am I consciousness
And joy incarnate,
bliss of the blissful is I
I have no misgiving
of death; no chasms of race divide me
No parent ever called me child no bond of birth ever tied me
I am neither disciple nor master; I have no kin, no friend
Consciousness and joy am I and merging in bliss is my end
Neither knowable, knowledge, nor knower am I, formless is my
I dwell within the senses but they are not my home
Ever serenely balanced, I am neither free nor bound
Read above stanza and know what our soul is? Ever religion pray God save me and taken me
to your kingdom. It means God taken my soul and merging in your soul.